Cosplay Crimes of Fashion

If you want total entertainment, you should go to cosplays. And by entertainment I don't mean the wholesome fun one. I mean entertainment such that you will find hilarity and stupidity of the human race all packed into one venue.

Have you ever gone to free concerts where a multitude of youth in black garbs - orcs, black shirts, jologs, call them what you want - they all gather in the concert as if a secret beacon sends a secret transmission to all of them to gather at that specific location. It's funny, right?

Well, in cosplays, you will find the same kind of people but instead of jologs from squatters, these are rich kidz in well-spent on clothes.

Cases in point:

1. In our province, there is a device used to catch fish in shallow waters. We call those, saklub. This one guy (Cosplayer 1) has a saklub for his headpiece!

2. This girl (Cosplayer 2) has her hair made up of seaweeds!!! And this is what her parents struggle to earn money for.

3. Lastly, here is a fag in authentic fag clothing (Cosplayer 3). Say what you want in defense, but dude, that is so gay.

(Disclaimer: This pictures are not mine. I found it in flicker: treasure cove of the internet)


Orphaned SOB said...

dude, why do they have to spend such amounts on --something-bad-- costumes!

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